AIA Exams

Exam Format

All AIA qualifications are all tested online via computer based exams, with two exam sittings taking place each year in May and November. The AIA's online exam platform requires a set-up procedure which should take place before the day of the exam and also utilises spreadsheet and word processing response options.

Exams can be taken in an approved test centre or at home with remote invigilation in place.

Preparing for Professional Exams

Once you have committed to undertaking a qualification you should plan your study time taking into consideration your work and family commitments, and your preferred methods of study. Good preparation is essential for exam success and you should plan your studies and revision in advance to give yourself the best chance of good results. 


Work out how much time you have to study and break down your planned learning into manageable chunks. Consider how you like to study, the variety of resources available to you and your own personal preferences and revision style.


Customise your learning to what suits you. If you come across something you do not understand, try a different method to help you understand it and ask for help if you need it. There are a full range of learning tools available to you via AIA Achieve Academy, from lectures and workshops to textbooks and practice questions. 

Practice questions and checkpoint tests are a great revision tool that helps you familiarise yourself with the layout and types of questions you will come across in the exam. They also help you access your exam technique and time management skills which are both key to success. 

Remember to take regular breaks whilst you learn. 

Exam Preparation

Once you've have registered for an exam, you'll receive a number of emails from AIA including guidance for taking an online exam and learning support. Make sure you have read the guidance notes for setting up your computer for online exams. If you have any questions or need additional support, please contact AIA ahead of the exam. 

You can access more detailed information on AIA online exams by logging in to your AIA account.

On the day of the exam take some time to read the instructions and questions and plan how much time you'll need for each question.