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CPD Unit

The CEA - Investigations and Enforcements (Ireland)

This webinar will delve into the functions of the Corporate Enforcement Agency, its investigative powers, evidence gathering tools and outcomes.


CPD Unit

Achieving Practice Success without Long Hours or Undervaluation

This webinar will guide you through five critical growth stages, from identify roadblocks to implementing a strategy that will ensure your success when dealing with future challenges.


CPD Unit

How to be an Ethics Influencer

This webinar examines the practical actions that organisations can take to develop an ethics-based culture and explore the formal and informal ways in which you can influence this, whatever your level in the organisation


CPD Unit

Confronting the Nexus between Climate Change and Poverty

This webinar explores the nexus of climate change and the evolving dynamics of poverty inequality. It not only raises awareness of their impact but emphasises the need for action.


CPD Unit

Stepping up AML Compliance: Identifying Beneficial Owners (Malaysia)

All reporting institutes are required to provide staff training in the detection of potential money laundering offences. This webinar explores the routes that can be taken to discover the beneficial owners of a company and the facilitation of early detection.


CPD Unit

The Whys and Whens of Modern Mentoring

This webinar provides an opportunity to gain comprehensive insights into why mentoring matters, from its impact on individual careers to its relevance in shaping the professional landscape, and society at large.


CPD Unit

Teambuilding, Leadership and Mindset: Unlock your potential

A webinar guiding you through the process of building the best team in your organisation, by looking at the journey you have made so far and using a positive mindset to develop and grow together


CPD Unit

Electric Cars - The Role of Tax in Driving Change

As the popularity of electric cars continues to grow, discover the tax implications of providing an electric company car or using an electric car for business purposes, and why businesses might want to make the switch.