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CPD Unit

AML/CFT for Malaysian Reporting Institutes

Understand the role of a Compliance Officer and improve your awareness of the AMLA 2001. Take look at how to apply/comply with AMLA 2001 and discover more about the recent trends of Money Laundering and Malaysia National Risk Assessment.


CPD Unit

Five Unproductive Distractions Accountants Need to Avoid

Need help to notice and avoid the distractions? Learn what you can do to avoid five of the most common and unproductive distractions for accountants in practice.


CPD Unit

Capital Allowances - Super after Super Deductions

A webinar explaining why capital allowances are more important than ever, despite the Super Deduction coming to an end, as well as providing an overview on all things capital allowances.


CPD Unit

Commercial and Employment Law Highlights 2023 (Ireland)

The effects of Covid 19 are still being felt within businesses with many being forced to radically change their business model simply to survive. In this webinar we look at how to navigate the pitfalls posed by Employment Law, both within and outside the business.


CPD Unit

Payroll Benefits - Tax Implications

The role of administering employee benefits continues to grow and so do the complexities of dealing with these. We look at some of the most common benefits and examine the impacts you need to be aware of to process accurate and compliant payrolls.


CPD Unit

Ethics Beyond Compliance

As a professional accountant you are bound by a Code of Ethics but are you aware that ethics can be at the heart of conflict? Learn how to identify an ethical issue and how best to resolve it.


CPD Unit

Cyber Security Risk Management

Technology is something we use everyday....but is it secure? Find out what challenges are faced by SME's and learn about the tools you can use to achieve a secure business, improve compliance and increase stakeholder confidence.


CPD Unit

Why ESG values are Integral to Future Economic Stability (Sustainability Part 3)

The final part of our series on sustainability covering ESG risks and opportunities, evaluation of financial impacts and the importance of being prepared for ESG reporting.