CPD on Demand

Welcome to AIA CPD On Demand, your ultimate destination for flexible and convenient professional development. Our platform offers a wide range of webinar recordings that you can watch whenever and wherever you want. With AIA CPD On Demand, you have the freedom to enhance your skills at your own pace.

Our resources are thoughtfully designed with accountants in mind, ensuring that they cater to the unique needs and challenges faced by professionals in the field of finance. We understand the intricacies of the accounting profession and have curated our offerings to provide targeted and valuable content specifically tailored for accountants. Whether you're looking to deepen your knowledge, stay up to date with industry changes, or enhance your skills, our resources are dedicated to supporting your growth and success as an accountant.

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CPD Unit

An Accountants Role in the Global Fight against Money Laundering (Hong Kong)

This webinar provides a comprehensive explanation of why accountants are so important in the fight against organised crime, looking at how to recognise risk and ways in which you can protect your firm.


CPD Unit

Irish Tax Update

This webinar provides comprehensive updates on the latest tax revisions that may have an impact on your professional environment.


CPD Unit

Corporate Governance (Malaysia)

This webinar presents a conceptual and practical perspective to managing and reporting corporate governance practices for Malaysian businesses, incorporating an overview of the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance framework and key elements.


CPD Unit

Navigating the Investment Landscape

This webinar explores the critical considerations for individuals seeking to optimize their financial portfolios in the medium to long term while assessing the impact of these economic variables on expected investment returns.


CPD Unit

Why do Human Beings Make Mistakes

A webinar exploring the mistakes humans make and what we can do to prevent, or at least, reduce these. Accuracy is a set of skills that can be learned, practised and even measured and this webinar will show you how.


CPD Units

Preparing for Changing Accounting Standards and Companies Act Regimes (2024)

A webinar exploring upcoming accounting standard changes and Companies Act regimes including FRS 102 and FRS 105, small company disclosures, SORPs and more.


CPD Unit

Inclusive Leadership in the Workplace

This webinar distinguishes 'inclusion' from 'diversity', delving into the benefits of embracing these differences and how this can enhance workplace values. You will also discover barriers to inclusion and how developing leadership skills can help address these issues.


CPD Unit

UK Budget 2024

This webinar gives a detailed analysis of the latest Budget, providing a review of the economic forecasts prepared by the Government and an insight into the tax changes announced by the Chancellor.