An Accountants Role in the Global Fight against Money Laundering (Hong Kong)

This webinar provides a comprehensive explanation of why accountants are so important in the fight against organised crime, looking at how to recognise risk and ways in which you can protect your firm.


Please note: This webinar is presented in English.

The worldwide Financial Action Task Force recommendations for combatting money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing are continually being refined and updated. Attendees will gain an understanding of what these are in the context of their role and why accountants are so important in the fight against organised crime. 

The regulations governing the legal obligations of the accountancy sector are clear and it is vital professionals understand their money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing obligations and stay completely up to date. Richard will explain how you can protect your firm, how to implement best practice and he will also explain the risks you should be looking out for.  

The talk will cover: 

  • A refresher on what are money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation financing? 
  • The enormity of the world-wide money laundering problem 
  • Why are accountants important in the fight against money laundering? 
  • Why am I talking to you today? 
  • What is AML really for? 
  • How do you protect yourself, your business and your employees against money laundering? 
  • How does a firm achieve AML regulatory success? 
  • Accountancy sector service risks

Duration : 1 Hour (1 non-verifiable CPD Unit)


Richard Simms

Richard is Managing Director of AMLCC, is both a professional regulated under the anti-money laundering regulations and a leading authority on anti-money laundering compliance, risk management and education. Since 2007 when AML regulation for accountants was introduced in the UK, as both a chartered accountant and an insolvency practitioner, Richard has seen first-hand the challenges of implementing effective AML processes. Working with UK regulators and supervisors, Richard used his unique professional insights to create AMLCC (Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Company Limited) in 2008 to make AML easier for regulated businesses worldwide.

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