5 Unproductive Distractions Accountants Need To Avoid

A webinar to help you focus on what matters so you can improve your practice and achieve your goals.


Helping you focus on what matters so you can IMPROVE your practice and achieve your goals.

What that means is avoiding unproductive distractions; and the longer you have run your own practice, the more you may need help to notice and avoid the distractions. 

In this fast-paced session you will learn what you can do to avoid 5 of the most common and unproductive distractions for accountants in practice.  

You will hear tips, insights and advice drawn from Mark's many years experience as a mentor and coach to sole-practitioner accountants.  

  • Debunking the truth about time management 
  • How to deal with BAD clients 
  • What to do instead of wasting time with marketing that doesn't work 
  • Distinguishing good and bad CPD 
  • Ensuring NO clients have reason to make formal complaints

Click here to register for this session, delivered exclusively for AIA accountants.


Mark Lee

Mark loves supporting accountants who feel overwhelmed, frustrated or lonely running their practices. 

He has long been highly ranked online as he shares all his insights, guidance and commercial advice. Despite his intense online activity he has also, for many years, debunked the hype and clarified misconceptions around social media use by accountants. 

Mark is a Fellow of the ICAEW, of the CIOT and of the Professional Speaking Association. He spent 25 years in practice and was a partner at, what is now, Crowe UK and BDO in London. 

Now he is primarily a mentor and speaker for accountants who value his supportive style and approach. 

Find him on LinkedIn where he has over 13,000 followers.