Creativity: How To Thrive In An Uncertain World

A webinar exploring what creativity is, why it is important and how to develop your own creative skills.


Creativity: How To Thrive In An Uncertain World


In today’s ever-changing world, professional success requires more than technical expertise. It is the accounting and finance professionals who have the ability and resilience to solve problems and generate new ways of working who will be best able to thrive in an uncertain future. 

Developing your creative thinking skills is a powerful way to break established patterns and ways of working, yet ‘being creative’ often feels chaotic, uncomfortable and unproductive. Even when we know how to be creative, it can be difficult to find time to step away from all the daily demands on our time and slip into a creative headspace. 

This webinar explores what creativity is, why it is important and how to develop your own creative skills. You’ll consider the difference between imagination, creativity and innovation, and reflect on your own feelings about creativity, before discovering useful tools and approaches you can apply to generate ideas or problem-solve. Finally, you’ll identify effective habits that will help stretch your creative muscles without disrupting your busy schedule. 

Whether you want to become more creative yourself, or simply want to appreciate what makes creative colleagues and clients tick, this webinar will help you appreciate why ‘being creative’ can feel challenging and what a difference language, behaviour and time can make. 


To register for this event, click here.



AIA | Speaker Anna Faherty

Anna Faherty

Anna is the author of a number of practical online courses for accountants, covering subjects as diverse as creativity and innovation, remote working, and communication and presentation skills. Anna has a background in commercial publishing and now runs her own consultancy, working with clients across the media, culture and heritage sectors. She brings a creative, audience-focused and outcome-based approach to every project she works on – from copywriting and content creation to innovation and strategic planning. Anna teaches on a number of professional masters programmes and is currently delivering a module on Innovation at University of the Arts, London.