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AIA Examiners' Conference Explores Sustainable Practices and Technological Transformation

Last updated: 29 Jan 2024 10:00 Posted in: Sustainability

At the 2024 Examiners' Conference, held on January 26, AIA's academic community convened to explore key topics shaping the future of accounting. The event featured distinguished speakers, including Mark Manning, shedding light on Sustainability and IFRS, and Priya Dutta championing the incorporation of AI in examinations and accounting. 

Keynote speaker Mark Manning, Principal Advisor on Regulatory Affairs at the IFRS Foundation, began the session by explaining the vital role of Sustainability and IFRS in contemporary accounting practices. Emphasising the significance of addressing climate change, Manning underscored the need for a strategic approach towards net-zero commitments.  

Priya Dutta, Assessment Manager Alpha Plus and e-Assessment Association Board Member, discussed AI integration in examinations and accounting, dispelling any apprehensions about embracing technology. She emphasised a need to not fear AI but to harness its potential for the benefit of the accounting profession. Deeta's insights aligned with AIA's commitment to staying at the forefront of advancements in the field. 

As a signatory to the Sustainable Finance Education Charter, AIA acknowledges collective responsibility in fulfilling global agreements such as the Paris Agreement and UN Sustainable Development Goals. AIA's active involvement in shaping reporting standards was highlighted, with a focus on responding to the European Commission's introduction of European Sustainability Reporting Standards and a new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.  

In line with our commitment to excellence in professional education, AIA brought together a team of experts to provide a series of three workshops, dedicated to educating our members in the realm of green finance. In today's rapidly changing landscape, it is crucial for accountants to be well-versed in the challenges and opportunities presented by a low carbon/net-zero world. Recognising climate change as a paramount threat to humanity, global leaders are joining forces to implement necessary changes. The workshops explore how this cooperation is unfolding and highlight the pivotal role the accountancy profession plays. Companies are turning to accountants to calculate carbon footprints and develop strategies for achieving net-zero goals. The consideration of sustainability accounting standards on a global scale is a testament to the profession's commitment to aligning practices internationally.  

The collaborative effort of examiners, moderators, tutors, and members of AIA’s governance framework ensures that qualifications meet the highest standards and align with regulatory requirements. The support of the Financial Reporting Council at the conference underscored the pivotal role of sustainability reporting in professional accountancy and audit qualifications. AIA Examiners' Conference 2024 provided a platform for thought leaders to share perspectives on sustainability, AI integration, and the future of accounting, reaffirming AIA's commitment to excellence and innovation in the field.